Herbstreith & Fox GmbH & Co. KG
Turnstraße 37
75305 Neuenbürg/Württ.
Phone: +49 7082 7913-0
Fax: +49 7082 20281
E-mail: info@herbstreith-fox.de
Website: www.h-f.group
Register Court: Local Court Mannheim
Register Number: HRA 502287
VAT Number: DE 144 601 855
General Partner: Herbstreith & Fox Pektin-Fabriken Verwaltungs-GmbH
Register Court: Local Court Mannheim
Register Number: HRB 729250
Authorized Managing Directors: Gerhard F. Fox, Sven Fox
Responsible according to § 18 MStV:
Susanne Steinfort-Klass
Turnstraße 37
75305 Neuenbürg/Württ.
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Picture Credits: Bavaria Luftbild Verlags GmbH